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Code Of Conduct

The following code of conduct applies to OLD IGNATIANS FOOTBALL CLUB players, coaches, support staff and supporters.



All players should aspire to the highest standards of professional conduct and sportsmanship. Players are to be aware of the traditions and history of the Club and behave accordingly. All players are to abide by the following:


  • Comply with the Rules, Regulations etc of the Adelaide Football League and the Old Ignatians Football Club.

  • Act with integrity and objectivity and accept responsibility for your decisions and actions.

  • Conduct themselves in a responsible manner relating to language, temper and attitude. This includes refraining from making any comment that vilifies another person based on their race, religion, colour, gender, sexual preferences or other related characteristics.

This also includes inappropriate swearing, heckling or sledging.

  • Respect the rights and dignity of fellow players, coaches, umpires, officials and spectators.

  • Verbal abuse of umpires or officials is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

  • Respect the decisions of officials, coaches, support staff and administrators.

  • Display appropriate and responsible behaviour in all interactions, treating people as you would like to be treated.

  • Ensure your decisions and actions contribute to portraying the Club in a positive light.


Failure to adhere to the above may result in a player being sanctioned, stood down or removed from the Club.



The OIFC is committed to providing a safe, healthy and successful sporting environment. All members of the Club have a responsibility to ensure they take reasonable care to protect their own health and safety and that of others around them.

The Club recognizes that alcohol will be consumed at various times, including at after match functions. It is expected that Club members consume alcohol responsibly. The effects of alcohol, including erratic and aggressive behaviour, do not reflect well on the Club and may affect member safety and contravene community standards.

An area of emerging awareness is the impact of drugs in the community, and it is important that we as a Club acknowledge the need to be proactive in informing you of your responsibilities and our response, in this regard.

Any player, coach or official found to be using or distributing illegal substances at Karen  Rolton Oval, sponsors premises, or on any occasion whilst representing the Club or may be identified as representing the Club, will be immediately stood down and may be removed from the Club. The Club has a zero tolerance policy to the use and distribution of illegal substances.

The AFL illicit Drug Policy and Anti-Doping Code prohibit the taking of illicit and/or performance enhancing substances and our Club is bound by those rules.



Most of our Members are on a group chat, Facebook messenger or other social platform.
It is important that the following guidelines are adhered to:

  • Be respectful, polite and courteous in all communications

  • Do not harass or bully anyone.

  • Do not post inappropriate content such as offensive images or discriminatory remarks.

  • Do not post content criticising umpires, Club officials or other players.


The Club expects that anyone posting on any social media site will use their common sense and good judgement and be aware that many comments are seen by people not only in the Club but also outside the Club. Individual members will be held accountable for their posts.

Misuse of social media may result in a player being sanctioned, stood down or removed from the Club.



All players should understand that we are fortunate to have the magnificent facilities and grounds that we share with SACA. As such, it is important that all Club members respect the facilities by keeping the changerooms clean and tidy state. This includes ensuring the grounds are also left tidy, ensuring all rubbish is picked up. It is also expected that all players and officials will treat other Club’s facilities in a similar manner.



Players are encouraged to wear neat and appropriate clothing on game day. As a matter of course and as a minimum, players should wear the Club polo, hoodie or jacket on game day. Coaches should wear neat pants and suitable Club merchandise.



Coaches have an important part to play in the nurturing of our playing group and leading by example. It is expected that coaches must:

  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all individuals within the context of their involvement within the Club.

  • Respect gender, ability, culture and background.

  • Abide by the laws of the Adelaide Football League and AFL.

  • Refrain from any form of personal harassment, abuse or ridicule of players, support staff , Club officials or spectators.

  • Refrain from any verbal abuse or dissent with Umpires and respect their decisions.

  • At all times display appropriate sporting behaviour and practice fair play.

  • Promote a climate of mutual support amongst the players and encourage them to respect one another and the opposition.

  • Endeavour to keep informed of coaching and skills development.

  • Be reasonable in the demands made on the time commitments of players, having due consideration for their health, well being and welfare.



The Club is committed to providing a welcoming and friendly environment in a successful sporting environment. We encourage spectators to come to our games, enjoy the environment and barrack enthusiastically for our teams. We do ask that our supporters consume alcohol in a responsible fashion. Additionally, each person must:


  • Not engage in any form of harassment or abuse of opposition players, officials or spectators.

  • Not approach the umpires under any circumstance

  • Respect and abide by decisions made by umpires and officials.

  • Support the Club by encouraging our players and officials and maintaining a high level of behaviour, thus enhancing the reputation of our Club.

  • Reject any form of harassment or abuse from our spectators, by reminding others of their obligations under our code of conduct.


Members of the Club can report any matters of concern to the President or Committee.

Additionally, the Club has appointed committee members, Julia Grant and Richard Branford as contact points.


Players may wish to discuss any issues with their Senior Coaches or Football Directors in the first instance.


Where a potential or perceived breach of the Code of Conduct is reported, the Club will appoint a panel to investigate.

The panel may consist of the President, Senior Coaches, Football Directors or Committee members, after understanding the nature of the breach.

As a general rule, it is thought that a three person panel would address any less serious matters.

The more serious matters would consist of a panel of four, headed by the President.


The Club will:

  • Listen carefully and investigate thoroughly to understand the nature of any problem.

  • Be fair and reasonable

  • Be reflective and considerate in all discussions

  • Look for ways to resolve problems

  • Support any Club member involved in a breach, to seek a resolution.

  • Seek external advice from the relevant agencies where necessary.




The Club will take disciplinary action against anyone found to have breached our policy.
Any disciplinary measure imposed under our policy will be:

  • Based on evidence and information gathered during the investigation

  • Determined by the seriousness of the breach and after referral to our Code of Conduct and Constitution.

  • Applied in a consistent and uniform way


Possible measures that may be taken include: 

  • verbal and/or written apology;

  • counselling to address behaviour;

  • suspension or termination of membership, participation or engagement in a role or activity;

  • de-registration of accreditation for a period of time or permanently;

  • any other form of discipline that our club considers reasonable and appropriate.

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