I trust all our parents, friends, supporters and players had a good break over Christmas and a fantastic New Year.
The 2021 footy season is now sneaking up on us pretty quickly, with the first round coming after Easter on Saturday 10th April. Before that, we have 2 trial games against Rostrevor on Saturday March 13th and Unley Mercedes on Saturday March 20th. I will advise exact details closer to the date of each game, but they will be held at Thebarton Oval.
We have had great numbers out on the track and we intend fielding 4 men’s teams and 2 women’s teams. Our A grade men will again compete in Div 2 with a reserves and C grade in the corresponding divisions. We have yet to be advised of what division the D grade will compete. The League has yet to formally release the Women’s fixtures and grading, but my conversations with them would suggest our women will be in Division 2 and Div 2 reserves.
Fielding 6 teams on any given Saturday, remains an enormous task and I would like to thank our coaching, staff led by Damian Boots and Tom Sexton.
I will continue to look for assistance with the bar and BBQ during the season, so if you have time on a Saturday afternoon please do not hesitate to contact me. It is our intention to offer a BBQ and drinks when the women play at home, so it is important that we get support for this endeavour.
In the near future we will be launching our MEMBERSHIP offer, so I ask that you consider supporting the Club in this fundraising initiative. We can only remain a viable and pro active Club, with the assistance of our supporters and friends.
Finally we have opened our merchandise store. The online store can be accessed by clicking here. IMPORTANTLY, game day items of shorts and socks are now listed on the portal. All players who require these items, particularly new players to the Club, must order them from the store, as the Club will have very limited stocks.
I am looking forward to another exciting season, as we continue to build as a vibrant and successful Club. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, queries or would like to discuss how you can help the Club.
As always --- GO IGGIES ---
phone: 0418 812 239
email: pkirchner@ords.com.au
